Design manual for BBF building

Client: Mondragon Unibertsitatea, Enpresagintza Fakultatea

Location: Bilbao, Bizkaia

Date: 2019

Team: [Miren Escartin + Elena Gómez + Ruth Cuenca]

The Bilbao Berrikuntza Faktoria (BBF) building has undergone numerous changes over time and as a result, it presents an eclectic appearance which in

the near future must adapt to the new degrees that will be temporarily taught there until they move to a new building in Zorrotzaurre: myGADE (Degree in Administration and Business  Management) and Big Data (Degree in Business Data Analytics). 

For these reasons, a Design Manual has been developed with guidelines and design advice in order to define a more consistent image for future interventions in the building in accordance with the vision that BBF wants to communicate to the outside.   

The key ideas of this manual are innovation and the concept of market or plaza as a place of connection and exchange between people, companies and institutions. The aim is for the building to be a catalyst for exchanges, becoming a key point in Bilbao.

These ideas will be transferred throughout the building, but especially on the ground floor, which will become a lively space; full of activities, connected with the city and the estuary, in summary, one more street in the urban fabric.

Our inspiration: "The Weather Project" by the artist Ólafur Eliasson.